Is there a way to reset puzzles? I like to redo old puzzles when I run out of new ones. If they are old enough, I don't necessarily remember all the answers.
PS Thanks for making this app!
Hi Deb,
There's currently no way to fully reset a puzzle, no. You can use the answer menu to reset the garden (tap the light-bulb icon and then choose Clear > Puzzle), but it won't reset the bloom clues -- any notes you added or clues that you marked as placed will be left unchanged. On iOS, that option isn't available for solved puzzles (an oversight on my part, one that I've fixed on Android but not yet on iOS), so you'll need to manually delete a letter from the garden to re-enable the Clear option.
Adding a proper reset option is a great suggestion, and I'll look to add it in the next release of the app. Thanks for the feedback!
Update: I've added puzzle reset support in the latest version of the app, which went live in all three app stores today. Swipe the puzzle in the puzzle list and then tap the blue reset button to clear all inputs and restore the puzzle to its original state.
Thanks again for the suggestion!